
Thank you for considering ELCT Language and Orientation School for your language learning journey. We are excited to guide you through our admissions process and help you embark on a transformative educational experience.

Our admissions process is designed to be straightforward and accessible. To get started, please follow these steps:


Explore Our Programs:

Take a look at our diverse range of language programs and courses to find the one that aligns with your goals and interests.


Review Requirements:

Familiarize yourself with the requirements for enrollment, including any prerequisite language skills or educational qualifications.


Complete the Application Form:

Complete our application form from our website or request one from our admissions office. Fill it out with accurate and detailed information.


Submit Your Application:

Submit your completed application form along with the supporting documents to our admissions office via any channels instructed.

Ready to begin your language learning journey at ELCT Language and Orientation School?

Take the first step today by filling out our application form from our website or contacting our admissions office. We are here to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the admissions process. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to expand your linguistic and cultural horizons.